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Committed to Providing the Care Your Loved Ones Deserve

Helping Your Loved Ones Thrive in a Loving Community

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Let our compassionate team at Hope Gardens, LLC attend to your family members who have disabilities and special needs. Located in Florence, South Carolina, we offer a wide range of services to ensure the health, safety, and comfort of your loved ones. Whatever the situation may be, you can always expect us to provide you and your family with high-quality assistance and undivided attention.

Insurance Information

- CLTC Community Long Term Care

- Medicaid, Absolute Total Care

- Molina Healthcare

- First Choice VIP Care Plus

- HSI long Term Care PPO

- Aetna Life Insurance Co. LTC, Careington

- Metlife LTC

- Optum Health Allies (UHC)

- Private Pay

Service Information

Reliable, professional in-home care assistance with ADL (activities of daily living) and CPC (children’s personal care), including:

  • Preparing Nutritional Meals
  • Bathing and Grooming
  • Light Housekeeping
  • Ambulation and Repositioning
  • Skin Care
  • Toileting and Continence Care

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Click this text to start editing. This block is a basic combination of a title and a paragraph. Use it to welcome visitors to your website, or explain a product or service without using an image. Try keeping the paragraph short and breaking off the text-only areas of your page to keep your website interesting to visitors.